Wow time sure flies anymore. Must be because I barely sit still for more then a few minutes. I am so very tired. Have been dragging for what seems like months. I think I need a pick-me-up and a bit of CPR. Ha ha! Maybe just simply some sleep for more then 4 hours might be in order. A crash and burn session as I refer to it.
Christmas went off without a hitch. The kids all showed up, Mom made it here as well and it was a lovely Christmas eve dinner. Quiet and easy. We had prime rib,taters,gravy,and a host of other goodies. Christmas Morning my whole family here at the crack of dawn for presents. We all made out very well. Santa was broke but he sure knows how to get a deal out of those elves. LOL
I for one am ready for the refreshing start of a NEW YEAR! I love that I get to swipe that slate clean, shrug off the crap from last year and put on some new duds along with a new view. Most folks lay themselves thick with, I am gonna do this or that. A list of must do's and well in the past I was one of those kind of people. Not that it isn't a bad thing to set goals. For me setting goals is always a good thing but too many at once for me personally becomes like everything else - a TASK! A nasty four letter word that is a lot like the other nasty four letter word -WORK! LOL Now we all must do what we do on a daily basis to keep things going but the older I get the more I hate those nasty four letter words. I like four letter words like ~REST!, SHOP, and my favorite would be CAKE!...
So this year I have lots of "IDEAS", I would like to put to the front. I honestly don't know how many will come about as I really struggle sometimes with the get up and go needed to complete so many tasks. I am not a lazy person, but loose my steam with so many distractions. So this year at the top of my goal list is the to fix the steam issue. Which means eating a wee bit better. I started this two weeks ago and so far I do feel better. Still very tired but that is a iron issue and I can not take vitamins with iron as I am actually allergic to iron. Iodine as well and they almost always have that in there too. Good for ya, just not me. So I have to eat a wee bit more greens. Had some cabbage last night- I know most of you are going YUCK- I love it. Good thing too cause I need it.
Changing the old sleep schedule might help as well. This is the final goal for the time being. Again I can't do too many at once so 2 is my limit. Besides being my favorite number. It is actually only one thing. Feel better- so two changes hoping that it helps me feel better. I am sure once I have mastered these two I will move on to others to increase my feeling better attitude.
What are some goals that you have set for yourself if any? I would love to cheer you on in this. So be sure to let me know. Support is the number one key to success they say. I have my kids and friends from church cheering me on here. It is good cause I am sure there will be days when I will need it.
Just wanted to say HELLO, tell you what I have been up to and wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2010 is the best year for you EVER!!!!
May you be blessed