Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tut Tut wish it would rain...

My friends it has been so very hot here the last few days. Temps above a 100 for my little neck of the woods. Pea is melted and just about a puddle on the floor. LOL

I did manage to work a wee bit last night after it cooled off and worked till early this morning. It was so much cooler and tollerable. I have a small window AC but hate to use it much as the power bills go through the roof. I have it on now as it has been off for awhile.

I couldn't resist making another Mummy shaker. I had so much fun making the first one and well I just wanted to see if I could do it again. I am very happy with how he turned out and think he looks just as good as the original. He makes me giggle.
He will be going on the Arts of Fluter site for the 1st of August.
I have many projects going and the CELEBRATION STARTS NEXT WEEK! I have so many things to announce. I know you all have waited patiently but hang in there just a wee bit longer. I promise it will be worth the wait.
Off to work now that it is cooling off a bit. Have a wonderful week and remember to check back soon!


~Tonya said...

I am so glad that we do not have that kind of weather here...we have had our fair share of the HEAT and I don't want anymore!!

We have nice temps here and I am so loving it.

Love the shaker, looks almost like the one I purchased from you. I am sure that shaker will be gone in not time.

Have a good one and I hope it cools down for you.


my tiny studio said...

Love the new shaker.
stay cool Pea.

Denni said...

He's a cutie!!! I hear you on the heat. It's been about 100 here. I was just thinking last night it would be nice to have a summer rain. We haven't had that in a while. Stay cool. I've jumped in the kiddie pool with the kids so you can join me :)

PEA said...

Thank you Tonya,
Yes, send me some cooler weather.

Oh I hope you are right and I had forgotten you have my first mummy. LOL Terrible of me to forget. I hope he still brings you a smile.

PEA said...

Thank you Rafael. I am trying. LOL

PEA said...

Thank you Denni,
A pool would be wonderful today. It was 100 degrees as of 10 am this morning. So I am afraid it will be way over that. Worried about my little forest.

pywackit said...

Hi ya Pea. Your mummy shaker is so darn cute. But I have to tell you that your poem about the ghost of Jenny Rae is fabulous. I am a huge fan of ghost stories. You certainly do have a poets soul.


PEA said...

Hello Cindy,
Thank you so much.
I love ghost stories too. I think that most folks think that the story of Jenny Rae is too sad for them. I have never been told I have the soul of a poet. WOW thank you. I think that is sweet.

LoveThePrimLook said...

I LOVE the mummy !!! I bet it wont last long :) I was hotter than heck here today YUCK!!! Bring on FALL !!!!


PEA said...

Thanks Angie and I agree. ready for some rain and cooler days.