It isn't you guys it is simply me.
January always throws something at me. I have learned to have quick reflexes. Simply been too darn busy. Taxes, Mom and just chasing life.
Today was a very exciting day for me. It has been one year since my Best friend decided to move away and leave me here. The snot! LOL No, really she is a butterfly and has go about changing the world. Teaching others how wonderful a good friend can be. Sharing that sweet smile of hers.
Patric her eldest child, tied the knot today. It was wonderful to be invited and even more wonderful to talk to her, give her a hug and get to enjoy that sweet smile. Kris also managed to bring her fella along with her. This is the first time I have met him. A very nice man indeed and so easy going. A bit of a flirt but hey we all can't be perfect. LOL Only a flirt can spot a flirt so there ya go... Just kidding David.
The wedding went off with just a few minor glitches, a smear of cake and lots of smiles, giggles and even a few tears. Yes, I always cry at weddings of those I love. I have had the privilege of watching Patric grow from a very busy little boy to a very kind man. He is a devoted Father and I imagine that his bride will be blessed with a devoted husband.
I got cake too! LOL A enough hugs to keep and make last until I get to go peek in on her later this spring. I can not wait.
Until we meet again my friends don't forget to share your smile.
P.s. pic was borrowed from internet. I forgot my camera so have to wait for Kris to send me pics.
Hi Pea,
So sorry that Jan. is so rough for you. You made it through and better days are ahead!
SO happy that you got to see Kris today. Sounds like you had the perfect day. She sounds like a wonderful gal.
Have a great Sunday!
Hi Pea !
Oh weddings ! Lovely beautiful gatherings with CAKE ! Yes !
Hope all is well with your Mom .
May you have a fabulous fun February !
Hugs !
January stinks but that is okay. It is was it is. Just muddle through and deal with stuff one day at a time.
Yes, it was a perfect day. She is wonderful and all that know her are blessed. She is like a sister without all the fighting. LOL
don't work too hard
Hi Linda,
Yes, lovely flowers and cake. The best part of any function. LOL
Mom is still mom. Last time I checked that was her job. LOL
Thanks hon for checking in on me.
Thanks so much Pea for stopping by to say hi! Your PS I love you doll is amazing! I love the color of your blog page very cute! I will keep blogging just needed to know I was wanted I guess, thank you! Hugs!
Thank you Deb,
I don't think many visit me either. But the blog is for fun and sharing. Keep sharing. It is a good thing.
I know just how you feel and it is all part of the disease unfortunately. It can be the best of times and the worst of times from moment to moment. I believe this is why God had me work in a facility for memory loss patience. He knew what was coming even if I didn't. I know now more then before so hopeful I will be better equipped to handle the uprising.
May you find peace in the hard times.
Thanks so mcuh for stopping by my blog Pea. I am so glad you did! Youre blog and work is wonderful!
Dont ya just love Denni? She is such a sweetie!
Stop by and see me anytime!
Hey you!! I totally understand, January always puts me in a funk as well!!! :( So glad you got to see your butterfly... and her flirt...hehehehe
Hugs, Mo
Thank you Angie,
enjoyed your blog and work as well. So very sweet and welcoming.
Denni is a doll.
I will return soon.
Mo Mo,
you are so funny! Well I am in good company and good to know someone out there understands.
Have a great day my friend.
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