Monday, March 22, 2010

a spring swap

Hello Everyone,
see I wasn't gone for too long. I know been kinda silent. Still hunting up that Mojo but it will return. Hopefully sometime soon.

This past week the TDIPT gals have been celebrating spring with a swap. I was lucky enough to get Susie. You may remember I had Susie for the fall swap and it was a great one. This one is just as wonderful.
Just look at this wonderful loot~ I feel like I was queened for the day.

Then there is my big piece. OMG just look at the painting on this gourd bird house. Sweet Susie knows I can't paint, so she does it for me when we swap. I had a few happy tears for the hummingbirds. My Dad loved hummingbirds so. All birds really, especially hummingbirds. He looked forward to seeing our local male with the orange throat every year. I can't wait till it gets really nice and I can hang this outside. In the meantime I have a hook in here so I can enjoy it.

One more view.

I have one more item to show you. Since my mojo is missing I usually create things that don't take any real thinking. So I create collage art to get everything flowing again naturally. It works most times. I made this piece for a friend of mine. She had seen another one of my collage pieces and wanted one. So this was a just for no reason gift. Fun to make.

Sorry for the crappy picture. I wanted to get one shot in a hurry, before I scurried out the door to deliver it.
My favorite part was a happy accident. The be yourself part in upper right hand corner. I had placed the pieces down. When it was dry, I was inspecting it, taking it all in. I noticed that I had placed a bee next to the yourself and did this with no thought to it. How funny is that? I was quite literally in cut and paste mode. LOL
I just grab bunches of papers and stuff. Place it all in a pile and start putting it down. I think I need to do another one this week.
Might have to go pull out some papers.


Unknown said...

Wow that is a fantastic swap sweetie. My Dad loved hummingbirds too....We have a feeder right in front of the house where he put it, hasnt moved in 4 yrs. Need to fill it. The collage is amazing sweetie..I am not good at those, never look nice. Mine look like a 4 yr old did it. Mojo will come back just needed a rest is all. Love ya lady xoxoxoxoxox

Meadowbrook Cabin Primitives said...

Hi Pea,

Susie's gourd is just beautiful ! And some yummy goodies ~ rollos..I haven't had one of those in years and years and years !

Your collage is so pretty and well done.

Happy Spring, PEA !

Denni said...

How fun!!!! I miss doing the swaps. I need to get back into the groove.

Tracy said...

Love that bird house. Beautiful.

cynthia lee designs said...

Hi Pea,

I just love the gourd that Susie painted!! Hummingbirds are my favorite bird...can't wait to put my feeders out in a few weeks when these little guys start to return to our area.
Love the collage you's really pretty. This past Saturday, I purchased some papers and stuff to make a couple of them to hang in my dining room, but I'm afraid to start them as I'v never made one before and worry that they won't turn out. Guess, I just need to jump in and get started!!


PEA said...

thank you Sonia,
Yes, all will be right soon. I can feel it coming back a little at a time.
susie is a painter and did a beautiful job on this thing.
Collage is just one that you can't think about it, just do. Great thing is you just add more, add paint and keep doing it until you love it. I can't draw cute little guys with glasses so we are all square!
Love ya too

PEA said...

Thank you Linda,
yes, very nice swap. I got spoiled. Rollo's are yummers. anything caramel and chocolate is my thing.

PEA said...

I miss them too Denni,
they are fun, but barely time anymore. I hate that.

PEA said...

Thank you Tracy, I didn't paint it but I wish I could.

PEA said...

I have to buy a new feeder. I do have honeysuckle that helps as well as button flowers.

Just jump in there girl, rip, cut, paste and don't think about it. Fun and if you don't like it, rip it off and start over. Or do what i do, add more and more. Until you do. Paint over and add more.
You will do fine.

~Tonya said...

Such a nice swap package, Pea! The hummingbirds on the gourd, so very pretty. So much yummy candy and fabric to boot...oh my!

Can't wait to see what you gave to Suzie.

Your collage is so very neat. Love all the little details. I am sure your friend will absolutely adore it.

Make one for yourself too.

Have a great day.

PEA said...

Thank you Tonya,
I would like to make me a collage. Simply no time now. I am purging my rat hole for the move! yea! Can't wait. got lots of work to do.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww, look at your goodies...!!! and you deserved them all...and of course I would love to "peanap" you for the next class!!! You are not that far away you know??? hehehehehe

Hugs, Mo

PEA said...

giggle- Mosey you are too funny. Pea nap away my dear. I could use a bit of peanaping. tee hee.
Loves ya,Pea

HowlingMoonDesigns said...

Hi Ya Pea!
Just wanted to pop in and see how you're doing :)...If you find your mojo, would ya look around and see if mine is there to?! :)


PEA said...

Oh Candy,
I hope to find mine and If I see yours I will hog tie it up and ship it your way.
Big hugs friend