Thursday, April 4, 2013

More projects and a video

 I did 2 more projects. I have been working on this first one for about a month on and off. I knew what I wanted to do, but had to work out the kinks. It takes me a little while to work it out. Especially when I am so so tired.  Taking care of mom is a full time job. LOL

 This is a old portfolio from the 30's.
this is side A, yes there are two sides. Love that:)
this is a photo frame side created from the original mat that was inside. I didn't do too much as I feel sometimes the projects are so big that they distract from the beautiful pictures that it may hold.

Here is a close up of the details. The chain leaves are my favorites.
Onto side "B"
 It is a pincushion. I love it. Created from a box lid. I had so much fun.
here is a close up. You can really see that crackle. I love the martha stewert crackle paint.
 So I think I need to hit the shower since hubs is home and go to bed. Just totally wiped out again. I feel like I am been working 12's again. OMG.
 I will share my last project tomorrow. If you like you can watch the video on all 4 projects below.
 Have a wonderful night.


Tracy said...

Your projects are always stunning and this one is as well.
I really like that you used both sides of this frame, so pretty :)

PEA said...

thank you Lady. I try my best to make things useful and make the most of my supplies. Most of this was scraps. YAY