Hello Friends,
I am sure that a few of you can relate to this title. I know sometimes my pocketbook has only enough funds for water. which is free LOL Mom has always told me that fits me to a T, well I think that is one thing I inherited from her. LOL
I can be very thrifty. I am cheap on most things. Somethings I buy middle ground.
When it came to my studio I knew I had to be cheap. But that doesn't mean it has to look cheap now does it? You can goodies that are very reasonable. Lots of things can be remade and that is helps spruce them up. Giving new life to something that would have been replaced,thrown out or given away helps save money and Mother Nature.
I purchased a print from a artist I have admired for sometime now. I love the prints option as I can't get a original. Just not in my budget.:(
I saw Danita's prints after her release on PFATT on her ETSY SHOPPE and couldn't help myself. I had to have this print. It made me smile. Remembering days when just watching grass grow was all I had to do that day. Yes, on Sundays that is all I had to do as a kid. SPOILED I KNOW!
I purchased the frame from Goodwill and it needed some love let me tell ya!LOL that thing was ugllly!The mat was icky yellow tan and the framed was beat up pretty bad. I got it for $3.00 though. Brought it home painted the mat white and spray paint and there you go. Cheap, easy and I LOVE IT NOW.
SOOO YOUR CHALLENGE is go to Danita's etsy shoppe and tell me what print is your favorite and why? ****I am GiVING AWAY one of her prints to ONE LUCKY WINNER!!!!!**. It will be purchased and sent directly to you. She does sign these prints.
WhY? am I doing this? Well I was supposed to have a give away in June. Life happened and got in my creative way. I am just now creating but not fast enough. Besides I know that some of you are like me, love art and simply not in your budget. I hope that you will frame it and show it to me. That would make me smile.
So the hunt is on. Have fun and can't wait to see all the pretties and hear why it is your favorite.
Happy treasure hunting.