Monday, February 2, 2009


People have often asked or wondered who I am referring to when I speak about the" Wind beneath my wings"?

Sue was her name and she was my best friend and chosen sister. Her family became mine, mine hers. Sue and I crafted together for many years. We created many gifts for family and things for local sales. We were two peas in a pod. Like most best friends it was her always urging me to give this business a go. I would say" No, I make a little but not enough to call it a business". Sue was Irish/ Italian and well if ya know that combo then you also know the word NO is not a option. Still I kept putting it off. A thousand excuses to why. A new puppy and baby. Three kids now, no time etc. All good excuses in my eyes, but Sue kept pushing me.

Sue was diagnosed with colon/cervical cancer at the age of 25 and was told that she has 3 to 6 months to live. She passed away 3 years later at age 28. Her last words to me, was for me to promise her that I would be published and to start my business. To never give up as she would always be there watching me. Not to use the scissors to cut wire. LOL She used to sharpen my scissors for me. To go and be happy.

Her passing left a whole in my heart so large that I thought it would never heal. When I lost her I lost part of me. I couldn't even create for many months. Time does heal all wounds. Even the bigger ones.

Sue knew that I loved art and what I did with a bit of cloth brought me and others joy. She would have loved my new business name and I am sure she giggles at some of the characters that come from that cloth. Not a single creation leaves the studio for it's new home without my mark. A little swirl under my name. Something that Sue did often when writing.

So this is my Angel. The driving force that got me started and that promise I hold to this day. I did everything she asked of me. Even when I didn't want to. How can you say no to the Wind beneath your wings?

So if your best friend is telling you something. Listen. It could change your life.

Have a wonderful week and Thank you for being a part of my journey.



~Tonya said...

Such a very pretty post, Pea. Sue sounds like she was a very wonderful person. I am sure Sue is missed very much every single day.

Friends like her are hard to come by and only come, but once in a lifetime. Thank you for sharing.

Have a great day.

BirchBerry Farms said...

Awww Sweet Pea----what a beautiful tribute you are to your friend---and what a great great way of articulating that---I'm proud of ya darlin---and I am sure she is too----keep the faith and keep making every day matter---it's those around you that you can always draw strength from---Love ya Girl!

Christine said...

Oh, Pea.....what a wonderful story of your best friend. I am sure there is a piece of her in everything you create. I am amazed at the wonderful creations you have grown so much since our 'gatherings'. I will keep following your work!
Hugs, Christine

Monkey-Cats Studio said...

Pea you made my eyes water...what a lovely post. She watches over you every day girl, I am sure of it! This was a beautiful tribute.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story. Good friends are the best :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Pea, darlin' I am at work and sitting at my desk with tears in my eyes. I know the friend you are talking about, I do not get to see mine often enough. Thank you for reminding me of that so beautifully, lucky for me, I can just give her a call, funny the things we take for granted...

Hugs and thank you... Mo

PEA said...

Thank you Tonya. She is missed but she placed on this earth a chance meeting of wonderful friends that I can turn to in a minute. Friends like you my friend and a few others who cheer me on and bless my life. It makes it easier to miss her.
Thank you.

PEA said...

Thank you Renee. Faith I have, motivation I am lacking. LOL but that will get there.

PEA said...

Thank you Christine. The gathering was such a wonderful time for us all. I have grown and hope to continue to grow. That is the fun part.
Have the most wonderful week and thanks for always cheering me on.

PEA said...

Ahh thank you Laurie for your kind words and taking time from your wonderful creations to stop by and say hello.
Now go call your girlfriends and tell that that ya love them.

PEA said...

Thank you Caroline. Good friends are a rare and wonderful. We all need them and they need us. They keep me going.
Have a wonderful day.

PEA said...

Yes, a good friend is a treasure. Call her weekly. Make a day out of your busy schedule and call her. One day a week to reconnect. It will enrich your lives.

Anonymous said...

oh sweet friend! what a beautiful woman, and I am sure even more beautiful inside! what a sparkle in her eye, and How lucky you were to share so much in such a short time!

May we all be so blessed to know one as special as your sue!

much love,

LoveThePrimLook said...

Pea, you are so genuine and such a kind warm soul. You made me tear up and I will be calling my best friend in the morning. God Bless You !!!!


PEA said...

Thank you Mindy. She was beautiful and I had smile that could light up a room. A soft quiet nature and always so caring and thoughtful.
I wish a friend like her for each of you.

PEA said...

Ah I really didn't want to make everone cry. Thank you Angie for your kind words. I just wanted to share a bit about me and why I say and do what I do.
I am glad that everyone is thinking about their best friends though. It is a wonderful thing that thing we call friendship. Who else can you cry, vent and yell with all in the same conversation?
Have a wonderful week.

Cookie said...

isnt it amazing the mark that friends leave in our lives? I'm sure your heart will always reserve a corner for the love of your dear friend you lost at such an early age.
I have lately been searching out my best friends from high school and from my early twenties when I lived in Colorado. I found them both - and haven't met yet, but have talked on the phone and keep in touch via email. We'll hook up one of these days when a motorcycle trip is feasible and I'm looking forward to it ♥
Thank you Pea-baby, for reminding me how delicate and precious our lives are!

cynthia lee designs said...

What a wonderful post about your best friend. I'm sure she is truly missed by everyone that her life has touched.
I'm also in business because of my best friend that I have know now for 40 years. She talked me into doing my first show with her back in the fall of 1985. Even though we now live across the country from each other...we still talk often though email and on the phone. She still inspires and encourages me. We have always said we feel like sister.
Isn't it wonderful that we sometimes get the special person in our life, whether it be for a short or long time in our lives, that had a hand in making us who we are today.
Thanks so much for sharing this story with all of us.
hugs, Cindy

PEA said...

Good for you Cookie. My friends are all over the place but there is one friend that I have had *gulp* for 39 years. Now that is a long time. I hate admitting that then you can figure out my age. LOL
But old friend, new friends they all enrich our lives. Thanks hon.

PEA said...

Thank you Cindy,
That is awesome how they can talk us into things huh? My dearest friend now is my cheerleader. I love her to pieces and she fills alot of the void. Even miles apart we still chat weekly and she keeps me centered when my world seems to crumble. I am blessed to have many friends that I can turn to. Sounds like you do as well.
May you be blessed.

HowlingMoonDesigns said...

Awwww Pea..I cried to :)..I have a Friend like that..and I cried at the thought of losing her...I do Listen and so does she..I cannot imagine my like without her..and can only imagine how you must feel..

Countryfolk Keepsakes said...

You were both truly blessed to have had each other in your lives. :> ) I feel the same way about my dearest friend. Thanks for sharin' your story.

PEA said...

I am glad that you have her in your life. I am blessed to have known so many I call friends. I have a friend now that fills some of the void but there is no other Sue and she knows that and loves me for it.
Have a wonderful day my friend. Now go call your VBF

PEA said...

You are most welcome Peanut. Thank you.
Yes, I am blessed to have known her, loved her and called her my sister. I may not be able to hug her but I know she is not far. Cheering me on like always.

fadedwest said...

Oh dear sweet Pea....this is why I paint angels....I believe, truly believe ...she is your angel...watching over you...every step of the way.....