Thursday, January 13, 2011

A day late.. and a dollar short

Isn't it always the case. I should have updated last night but I was so busy on the computer that I simply did not have the chance. Plus I couldn't help myself I had to do a bit of creating.
Ya see I am already behind.:( Oh well only one day hopefully won't make a habit out of it.
The good news is I am almost finished with my project and the snow is almost gone as well.
Getting out today was nice for a change. Feeling a bit like a caged animal. I hate being trapped.
Right now I have a yellow lab on my right and a fuzzy kitty on my left. They are sooo jealous of each other getting attention. Kinda hard to type with them both flipping my arms up to get a pet.LOL Can you tell that Pilgrim is a little camera shy like his mom? LOL Bootsie hates it even more then I do.

Well the dishes are calling my name. I guess they only know my name. Why? Why they can't they call on the other names in the house? NOt FAIR!
Have a great weekend. I will be back soon with pics of creative things.


Meadowbrook Cabin Primitives said...

Hi Pea !

Can't wait to see what you are creating ! Your creations are divine !

And what would that favorite fish dish be for your kitty ?

My DOG likes salmon cakes !

Have a fun weekend !


Anonymous said...

Baron sometimes sits by me on the sofa when I arm is constantly flying up in the air...he likes to put his head on the keys...and try to sit in my lap...LOL
Look forward to seeing what you are creating...

cynthia lee designs said...

Hmmm...the dishes here only call my name too!!
Can't wait to see what you are creating!

PEA said...

awwwwwwwww thank you Linda, that is the sweetest comment I have heard in a long time.:) Made my day. You are VERy creative yourself and I adore your dollies faces and details.

Bootsie loves Tuna. She will be dead asleep in the other room and here me get the can out of the pantry and not even to the can opener yet and she knows it is tuna.
I love salmon cakes. we add garlic and parsley. Yum.
You have a wonderful Holiday weekend as well.

PEA said...

that sounds like Pilgrim or Pea pod we call him. LOL Oh your description made me laugh... Thank you needed a giggle.
I should have a little peek here this evening.

PEA said...

Thank you Cindy, I think we should tell those dishes to call someone who cares. LOL
Have a wonderful weekend

Tracy said...

Awww your pets are adorable. They want to snuggle.
Ya why is it the chores keep calling our names?