Tracy of Tracy's treasures gave me this beautiful award.Now to accept this award I need to answer some questions about myself. A lot like her I think you all pretty much everything about me but I do like to change my mind from time to time;) so here is goes
So here it goes:
Q1) Name your favorite colour
robins egg blue or pale aqua
Q2) Name your favorite song?
free falling by Tom Petty is one of my all time favorites. I do have many favorite songs.
Q3) Name your favorite dessert?
cream puffs, some special my dad and I shared together on occasion when we were together.
Q4) What wizzes you off at the moment?
Wizzes, lol.
Children making fun of children especially if they are handicapped or homosexual. That burns my biscuits big time. LOL
Q5) Your favorite pet?
I have a yellow lab named Pilgrim. How he got his name is I like John Wayne. John Wayne called people, pilgrim's in his movie a lot. I love and adore all my babies but this boy owns me lock stock and barrel;) and he knows it. LOL
Q6) Black or White?
black and white. black first but love, love, love the combo.
Q7) Your biggest fear?
Something happening to my hubby or my kids. Besides that spiders. They scare the snot right out of me.~~~shiver~~~
Q9) Everyday attitude?
If you can't find something nice to say don't say anything at all. Even if you don't like "it" find one good thing. Like where you live, or someone you don't get a long with. Find one good thing.
Q10) What is perfection?
No body is perfect and I am not gonna spend my life chasing that rainbow. :P
The closest I could get to perfect is peace and quiet. LOL
Q11) Guilty Pleasure?
scrappy supplies
hugs can never have too many of those.
Q12) When you're upset you?
swear like a drunken sailor! Yep, I curse and might even get a little loud. LOL Lately I have been more aware of it, so I am forcing myself to a time out you could say. I just go outside and sit and cool off or go for a short walk.
Now to pass this award onto 10 other crafty friends.
Seriously this is the hardest part of it all.
I want to cop out and give it to everyone who visits my blog today, but I know, no one will post it unless I personally mention their names.
okay well not too many people visit my blog anymore so I will give it to a few that do.
Jingle of just jingles
Theresa of The Enchanted
Schell Bell of Schell's craft
Theanne of Theanne and Baron
Roberta of Taking the scenic route
Linda of meadowbrook cabin
that is about it folks. I hope you all have a great week. See you soon.
It's fun to get to know you a bit!!!
Hi Pea !
And where are the rest of the photos from the wedding ? :o) Congrats to your son !
I have posted my answers on my blog from your butterfly award.
Have a wonderful fun day !
Congratulations on your award Pea! And thank you so much for sending it my way also. I will proudly accept and post in the next few days. Have some things going on so I will get to it soon :0) My mom loooooooves John Wayne also. Met him once when I was a baby, her step-dad got off with the photo of us though :0( Hugs!
Thanks Jingle!
Thank you Linda, will check it out. I thought you all would be bored with all the wedding pics. Besides I have to edit them or they are all too big.
Have a great week
Thanks Schell Bell, I thought you would be super busy with school/Kids/Mom etc. Hope it settles down soon.
Big hugs,pea
Teehee, did you copy and paste some of my answers, lol.
We are alot alike.
Hubby was named after John Wayne ;)
Maybe don't visit my blog today...it has one of your fears on there....well probably two, lol
Hey Tracy, No I didn't copy your answers. We are a little alike. LOL Yes, have a few fears but getting over the. One at a time. LOL
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