My p.c. crashed last weekend. It is up and running now but what a nightmare that was.
Momma flew in last wed and since then it has been non stop. She has 7 days to find, buy and complete a sell of a home on a very limited budget along with a list of demands that make it difficult. They don't seem unreasonable but in this area it is hard to find these things unless you own the bank. She did make a offer on a home but now is telling me that she doesn't really like the home at all! Oh gosh well they probably won't accept the offer anyway. So now we will have 3 days to find a new house. Oh boy. Next week will be insane for sure with me running dd to golf. Mike has jury duty so he won't be able to help out.
In the mean time my 73 year old mother taught me who is ut-hum 45 how to strip tease. LOL apparently our neighbor at one time growing up was a stripper. She she showed me how to do it without ever showing a thing. LOL You all wondered where I got "it" from well there ya go! LOL Oh she is a hoot. Here is the pictures in case you also wanted to know. Cracks me up! Now you know why she was happily married for 42 years.


I did manage to get some frogs done. I used a great pattern from Soft in the Head. They turned out so cute. These are Fairy frogettes- magic makers in training. Baby Fairy Frog Mothers. They make me giggle. Oh so sweet and 3 total available. Pink, aqua and green. You can find them at my WSOAPP page if you want to know more about them.

Aren't They sweet!

Well I have to go create for a little while before bed. I am beat but itching to get somethings done tonight. Have a wonderful happy Easter. I will try and find a post card for you all to use on your baskets.
Sounds like your days are very busy at the moment .I love the frogs so darn cute as always :) check out your mom she's adorable ,I hope she finds something she likes. Buying a house is very stressful and being limited on time doesn't help at all .Have a wonderful Easter !!!
Oh that is funny. Old people are a hoot for sure. It is almost as if they become children again. heehee
Hey there Pea, maybe your mom could do a tutorial for us so we can spice up our love lives a hoot she is..good luck with house hunting...and have a wonderful easter..your frogettes are adorable...:)
Well doing that Stip tease your Momma taught you should be somewhat of a stress reliever...LOL
To cute!
Happy Easter Pea....Love the frogs and the pics of your mom...Ha Ha...Deep Breath...
Sonia ;)
Oh you said it and can repeat that! Stressful isn't the half of it at the moment. LOL
You have a blessed Easter as well.
you hit the nail on the head. LOL
Have a wonderful Easter.
Thank you Gina.
Oh she was a bit mad but then she said and I didn't even give them the shoulder move. LOL
I thought she was gonna beat me with that cane of hers. LOL
Thanks Gina, You have a wonderful Easter as well.
Laughing at mom certainly was! LOL
Thanks Sonia.
I am breathing even when it isn't easy. LOL
Happy Easter Pea! Love the story and pics of Mom. She looks like she would be a lot of fun. I hope she finds a home she likes close to you! Very cute froggies too!
Ahhhh how fun!!! Love your froggies... and I think it is great you got to spend some time with your mama... Happy Easter, Hugs.. MO
Thank you Heidi
Momma is a lot of fun when she isn't so stressed. This was after not enough sleep. She is funnier when she is tired. LOL
If you only knew the half of it. LOL
We are trying to enjoy our time together.
We are going to continue the hunt again tomorrow. The other house fell through. Have a wonderful week.
Thank you Mo,
I don't think the froggies are going to sell though. Oh well they make me smile.
Mom and I start house hunting again tomorrow.
Have a wonderful week.
Oh Pea this made me laugh...I'd love to meet your mother, she sounds like a riot!! Love the pictures!! Have a great week and I hope everything works out well for your Mother this week...and you too!!
Thank you Laurie.
I think she will have to make another trip as everything is out. She is turning down the second house after making a offer. Just too much. Don't blame her just the way it is.
So we will do it again real soon.
Have a great week.
oh MAN Sweet Pea---I LOVE them there froggies----they are darling!
Ummmmm---perhaps your Ma may want to take that show on the road---tee hee---hey--just a suggestion!!! Loved the story--what a hoot!
I am having a blog giveaway, come see!
she took the show on the road. She left a few days ago but she will return and maybe we can get the rest of the tips. LOL
Thanks sweetie! The frogs are so much sweeter in person.
Thanks Jenny!
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