Sunday, April 3, 2011

This weeks card

Here is my cards for cancer, for this week. I really like this one. I had never kissed the image after coloring with markers. So that was something new and fun. I love the blue and brown combo. Two of my favorite colors. Almost did my Studio in those colors but at the last minute realized that I wanted to take the path less traveled. I know I haven't showed you all it yet. I have to wait for warmer weather to finish up a few furniture pieces before it will be done.

On to my day. I think there are Trolls hiding in the studio. I have so many things missing and there is no other explanation. So it must be trolls. Of course they are sneaking off with my brand new charms for my mini along with my metal doilys. LOL

Finished up two more pages to my mini today. I am hoping it will be all done tomorrow. I can't wait to see it completed.
Until then my friends.


Jingle said...

This is very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Your cards are beautiful!

leslieb said...

Beautiful card. Love the colors you've chosen.

I had to laugh at the "Troll" bit :-)

Meadowbrook Cabin Primitives said...

Hi Pea,

Your card is so pretty ! Very nice !

I wish I had some trolls in my sewing room to clean it up and organize it !


Schell said...

Trolls huh? I think I may have a few of those around here somewhere :0) Love the card, beautiful colors! Hugs!!

PEA said...

thank you jingle!

PEA said...

Thank you Theanne and Baron;)

PEA said...

Thank you Leslie. Do you have Trolls? LOL

PEA said...

Hi Linda,
thank you!
How are ya?
I wish the trolls would clean up but all they do is hide stuff:(

PEA said...

Thanks Schell Belle!
I say we trap them, tie them up and make them talk. Do you speak troll? LOL I think my boys do... LOL Never were Trolls in their room cleaning up the joint.LOL
Thanks sweetie

Tracy said...

Your card is beautiful. Love those colours.
Ya I too have trolls. They hid my glue pen and hid it in with my writing pens in my work area. I didn't find it for a month..until I bought a new one I might add.
Bad trolls :)

PEA said...

LOL Tracy
Of course you found your glue after you bought some. Isn't that the way it always goes.