Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Michael

Today is a celebration in our home. My hubby turned the big 49 today. WOW where has the time gone?
He hates big deals out of his birthday so simple it is. I went and picked up dinner at Applebee's, a few gift cards to Barnes and Nobles for his e-reader. A CD/DVD Led Zeppelin, and apple pie/french vanilla ice cream for dessert. See told ya pretty simple guy.
He is lounging all week taking time off and catching up some much needed rest. I am sure I can get him to do a few honey list things;).
I know you have seen this shot before but he is shy and hates his picture taken. So this is all I have. One of these days he might let me take a new one.
I am gonna go play in the studio while he watching a war movie.
Hope you have a wonderful day.


Schell said...

Great picture! Happy Birthday Michael!!!! I hope you guys have a great week :0) Hugs!!!!

WeBeYarnin said...

HAPPPPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE MIKE!!! =o) Sounds like you have a great day planned out. And a week to rest sounds divine!

Tracy said...

Happy Birthday Michael :)
He sounds like my hubby, a good meal and a war movie at the end of the day ;)
Hope you thumbs are still on the mend

PEA said...

Thanks so much schell belle

PEA said...

Thank you Nikki and Hailey. Your uncle really needs some rest.

PEA said...

Simple he is Tracy. I am gonna email you now.;)