Friday, March 25, 2011


Ouch, I had to go to the Doctor today. I have one of these( above) on my arm. I had a tetanus shot. Oh they hurt the next day. I have a cut on my finger that kept getting worse. I have been playing doctor with it for 2.5 weeks. I knew this morning that it was cellulitis. Which is blood poisoning or the infection that leads to it. So for the next three weeks I get to take a few pills that make me feel yicky but do the job.

Now onto the rest of my day.
We( MOM) had the ultra sound of the neck today.( carotid artery) They are looking for blockage that could lead to a stroke. I don't have a clue but there were some areas that I questioned. Didn't look or sound right. So now we just wait. Hopefully someone will call us next week and give us some results on all these tests.
I came home and took a much needed nap. Now I have to scoot off this and make meatloaf for Mom tomorrow and chili for the rest of us. We are having a small family dinner with two of my kids and their others. It will be a fun evening and I think Mom and I could really use it.
Hope you have a great weekend.


Unknown said...

I just wanted to say thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog! Yes, small pictures make me look great, hides all the signs of aging! I do hope your finger heals quickly and that your Mom is okay.

Tracy said...

Take care of yourself.
I agree an evening with family is just what the doctor ordered. Ooops shouldn't have mentioned doctors, you seem to be seeing to many of them lately.
The worst thing about tests is waiting for the results.
Hoping everything turns out fine, you need some good news for a change.
Hugs my friend.

PEA said...

Hi Kathy,
thank you. I still think you look great.
How sweet, thank you. I will let mom know.

PEA said...

Thank you Tracy, I couldn't agree more. I think it was nice to have time out for mom away from the Doctors. I have a appointment to see the doctor on the 31st. My turn. Boobie squish time. Yeah... Yes, I will be glad when I can be done with all the doctors but don't think that will be anytime soon.
Yes, gooood news would be most welcomed.

Schell said...

Hi there! I really hope you get some good results back from all those tests, sounds like you could definitely use family around to help. With my mom and I, I am the only one out of my siblings helping her so I don't get to share my stress :0) Hugs! Schell

PEA said...

Schell Belle,
Well we are alike. I am "IT" for Mom as well. I have only one brother and he lives in Montana. Can barely take care of himself, let alone Mom.
I vent to my hubby. He is good at listening about it. He knows how she is and all the stuff.
I hope you get some good results as well.